“An idea is the greatest return on investment of anything. An idea costs nothing. An idea can be infinitely modified. And, most importantly, an idea can become reality. An idea can start as a thought, become manifest as a sketch, develop into a drawing, and with the collaboration of many people get built.”
The architectural firm of Michael Belisle Design was founded in 1993 to provide artistic and intellectually rigorous design solutions for the built environment.
All projects are undertaken with the acknowledgement that aesthetics, function, budget, practicality, sustainability, and personal ego vie for attention. The metaphor of architect as juggler is appropriate. Many balls are in the air: design, function, costs, codes, structure, sustainability, personalities, etc. It can be daunting trying to juggle all of these at the same time, therefore, by exploring only one issue at a time we can more freely and creatively arrive at solutions. This iterative process goes around and around between all parties involved with the project until an optimal design solution is achieved.
Software Business / Residence